[urbit] Continuity breach
Philip Monk
2015-09-09 21:29:46 UTC
We're breaching continuity again for a few reasons. Firstly, clay has
started to seriously misbehave, not only breaking our auto-update, but also
causing periodic crashes on some ships (with a period of only a few
seconds). I'm in the middle of a deep clean of clay, and I've fixed those
issues, so we're going to push those out with a breach.

Secondly, work needed an update that required a change to the talk
protocol. While it's possible to do this over-the-air, it's annoying and
not worth the effort right now. Also, over-the-air updates are broken, see

Thirdly, ~wictuc-folrex is pretty well sunk by an unrelated work bug. This
fix could easily pushed out over-the-air if that was working. I probably
could rescue ~wictuc-folrex, but it'd be a hassle.

At any rate, we're going to preserve the talk log, so we should be able to
pick up right where we left off.

We'll let you know when the breach is complete.
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Philip Monk
2015-09-09 22:15:07 UTC
The merge is a little more involved than I thought, it's going to take a
little bit of time to get ready to breach.
Post by Philip Monk
We're breaching continuity again for a few reasons. Firstly, clay has
started to seriously misbehave, not only breaking our auto-update, but also
causing periodic crashes on some ships (with a period of only a few
seconds). I'm in the middle of a deep clean of clay, and I've fixed those
issues, so we're going to push those out with a breach.
Secondly, work needed an update that required a change to the talk
protocol. While it's possible to do this over-the-air, it's annoying and
not worth the effort right now. Also, over-the-air updates are broken, see
Thirdly, ~wictuc-folrex is pretty well sunk by an unrelated work bug.
This fix could easily pushed out over-the-air if that was working. I
probably could rescue ~wictuc-folrex, but it'd be a hassle.
At any rate, we're going to preserve the talk log, so we should be able to
pick up right where we left off.
We'll let you know when the breach is complete.
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Philip Monk
2015-09-10 00:00:02 UTC
Alright, it's safe to enter the water
Post by Philip Monk
The merge is a little more involved than I thought, it's going to take a
little bit of time to get ready to breach.
Post by Philip Monk
We're breaching continuity again for a few reasons. Firstly, clay has
started to seriously misbehave, not only breaking our auto-update, but also
causing periodic crashes on some ships (with a period of only a few
seconds). I'm in the middle of a deep clean of clay, and I've fixed those
issues, so we're going to push those out with a breach.
Secondly, work needed an update that required a change to the talk
protocol. While it's possible to do this over-the-air, it's annoying and
not worth the effort right now. Also, over-the-air updates are broken, see
Thirdly, ~wictuc-folrex is pretty well sunk by an unrelated work bug.
This fix could easily pushed out over-the-air if that was working. I
probably could rescue ~wictuc-folrex, but it'd be a hassle.
At any rate, we're going to preserve the talk log, so we should be able
to pick up right where we left off.
We'll let you know when the breach is complete.
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2015-09-10 04:45:45 UTC
Thanks pcmonk!
Post by Philip Monk
Alright, it's safe to enter the water
Post by Philip Monk
The merge is a little more involved than I thought, it's going to take a
little bit of time to get ready to breach.
Post by Philip Monk
We're breaching continuity again for a few reasons. Firstly, clay has
started to seriously misbehave, not only breaking our auto-update, but also
causing periodic crashes on some ships (with a period of only a few
seconds). I'm in the middle of a deep clean of clay, and I've fixed those
issues, so we're going to push those out with a breach.
Secondly, work needed an update that required a change to the talk
protocol. While it's possible to do this over-the-air, it's annoying and
not worth the effort right now. Also, over-the-air updates are broken, see
Thirdly, ~wictuc-folrex is pretty well sunk by an unrelated work bug.
This fix could easily pushed out over-the-air if that was working. I
probably could rescue ~wictuc-folrex, but it'd be a hassle.
At any rate, we're going to preserve the talk log, so we should be able
to pick up right where we left off.
We'll let you know when the breach is complete.
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to urbit-dev+***@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send email to urbit-***@googlegroups.com.
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2015-09-10 21:14:05 UTC
I started a sub last night and pretty much immediately brought it down.
When I brought it up right now, it pulled an update from ~zod...and then
threw an %ap-slam-mismatch, printed out what looks like the entire Hoon
kernel, printed "gall: %dojo: call: %prep: type mismatch", and now it's
working fine.
While it's probably nothing, the "printed out what looks like the entire
Hoon kernel" part is mildly concerning. It looks like:

[ %wttz
{ { [%axil p={[%atom p=@ta] %noun %cell
%bean %null}]
[%bark p=@tas q=$4]
[%bush p=$4 q=$4]
[%fern p=[i=$4 t=it($4)]]
[%herb p=$6]
[%kelp p=[i=[p=[%leaf p=@ta q=@]
q=$4] t=it([p=[%leaf p=@ta q=@] q=$4])]]
[%leaf p=@tas q=@]
[%reed p=$4 q=$4]
[%weed p=$6]
[p=$4 q=$4]
q={[%.y p=u(@tas) q=it({@tas [%.y p
=@] [%.n p=@ud q=@tas]})] [%.n p=u(@tas) q=$6]}
[%wtzp p=$6]
[%zpcb p=[p=/ q=[p=[p=@ q=@] q=[p=@
q=@]]] q=$6]
[%zpcm p=$6 q=$6]
[%zpcn %~]
[%zpfs p=$6]
[%zpgr p=$6]
[%zpsm p=$6 q=$6]
[%zpts p=$6]
[%zpwt p={p=@ [p=@ q=@]} q=$6]
[%zpzp %~]
[p=$6 q=$6]
[%ge p=[p=[p=@ud q=/] q=[p=it($16)
q=nlr([p=@tas q=u($16)])]]]
[%sc p=[p=[p=@ud q=/] q=[p=it($16)
q=nlr([p=@tas q=u($16)])]]]
[%tu p=it($16)]
[%ur p=[p=[p={%.n %.y} q=u(@ud) r={[%.y
p=*''] [%.n p=@if]}] q=[p=u(@ta) q=*''] r=it([p=@t q=@t])]]
[%ur p=[p=[p={%.n %.y} q=u(@ud) r={[%.y p=*''] [%.n
p=@if]}] q=[p=u(@ta) q=*''] r=it([p=@t q=@t])]]
rez=nlr([p=@ud q=[p=@tas q=[p=#t q=*]]])
[lib=it([p=@tas q=u([p={[%da p=@da] [%tas p=@tas] [%ud p=@ud]}
q=@p])]) arc=it([p=@tas q=u([p={[%da p=@da] [%tas p=@tas] [%ud p=@ud]}
var=nlr([p=@tas q=[p=@tas q=[p=#t q=*]]])
[ %0
[ p=@ud
[ say=[ven=[own=@ud his=@ud] leg=it({[%del p=@ud] [%ins p=@ud
q=@c] [%mor p=^$1{%~ [i={[%del p=@ud] [%ins p=@ud q=@c] [%mor p=$1] [%nop
%~] [%set p=it(@c)]} t=$1]}] [%nop %~] [%set p=it(@c)]}) buf=it(@c)]
dir=[[p=@p q=@tas r={[%da p=@da] [%tas p=@tas] [%ud p=@ud]}] s=/
[lib=it([p=@tas q=u([p={[%da p=@da] [%tas p=@tas] [%ud p=@ud]} q
=@p])]) arc=it([p=@tas q=u([p={[%da p=@da] [%tas p=@tas] [%ud p=@ud]} q=@p
var=nlr([p=@tas q=[p=@tas q=[p=#t q=*]]])

Except it has the added bonus of being longer than my terminal scrollback,
and hung urbit for a couple seconds before it printed...
Post by Philip Monk
We're breaching continuity again for a few reasons. Firstly, clay has
started to seriously misbehave, not only breaking our auto-update, but also
causing periodic crashes on some ships (with a period of only a few
seconds). I'm in the middle of a deep clean of clay, and I've fixed those
issues, so we're going to push those out with a breach.
Secondly, work needed an update that required a change to the talk
protocol. While it's possible to do this over-the-air, it's annoying and
not worth the effort right now. Also, over-the-air updates are broken, see
Thirdly, ~wictuc-folrex is pretty well sunk by an unrelated work bug.
This fix could easily pushed out over-the-air if that was working. I
probably could rescue ~wictuc-folrex, but it'd be a hassle.
At any rate, we're going to preserve the talk log, so we should be able to
pick up right where we left off.
We'll let you know when the breach is complete.
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to urbit-dev+***@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send email to urbit-***@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
Kingdon Barrett
2015-09-10 21:20:55 UTC
Is there an echo? This is exactly what happened to my sub, basically to
the letter. I started it up last night, didn't touch it, and closed the
lid this morning. Threw the machine in my bag and didn't have a chance to
try and join talk until just now. Only difference is, I threw away the
pier and going to try again from urbit -c myself now, without the gap this
Post by c***@gmail.com
I started a sub last night and pretty much immediately brought it down.
When I brought it up right now, it pulled an update from ~zod...and then
threw an %ap-slam-mismatch, printed out what looks like the entire Hoon
kernel, printed "gall: %dojo: call: %prep: type mismatch", and now it's
working fine.
While it's probably nothing, the "printed out what looks like the entire
[ %wttz
%cell %bean %null}]
[%bush p=$4 q=$4]
[%fern p=[i=$4 t=it($4)]]
[%herb p=$6]
[%reed p=$4 q=$4]
[%weed p=$6]
[p=$4 q=$4]
[%wtzp p=$6]
[%zpcm p=$6 q=$6]
[%zpcn %~]
[%zpfs p=$6]
[%zpgr p=$6]
[%zpsm p=$6 q=$6]
[%zpts p=$6]
[%zpzp %~]
[p=$6 q=$6]
[%tu p=it($16)]
[ %0
Except it has the added bonus of being longer than my terminal scrollback,
and hung urbit for a couple seconds before it printed...
Post by Philip Monk
We're breaching continuity again for a few reasons. Firstly, clay has
started to seriously misbehave, not only breaking our auto-update, but also
causing periodic crashes on some ships (with a period of only a few
seconds). I'm in the middle of a deep clean of clay, and I've fixed those
issues, so we're going to push those out with a breach.
Secondly, work needed an update that required a change to the talk
protocol. While it's possible to do this over-the-air, it's annoying and
not worth the effort right now. Also, over-the-air updates are broken, see
Thirdly, ~wictuc-folrex is pretty well sunk by an unrelated work bug.
This fix could easily pushed out over-the-air if that was working. I
probably could rescue ~wictuc-folrex, but it'd be a hassle.
At any rate, we're going to preserve the talk log, so we should be able
to pick up right where we left off.
We'll let you know when the breach is complete.
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To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "urbit" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to urbit-dev+***@googlegroups.com.
To post to this group, send email to urbit-***@googlegroups.com.
For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout.
Anton Dyudin
2015-09-10 21:23:02 UTC
There was an issue where a +dojo with a broken ++prep got pushed. The
"entire kernel" is mostly the ++twig type; this takes a while to print due
to a memorization-disabling bandaid over a memory leak.
Post by Kingdon Barrett
Is there an echo? This is exactly what happened to my sub, basically to
the letter. I started it up last night, didn't touch it, and closed the
lid this morning. Threw the machine in my bag and didn't have a chance to
try and join talk until just now. Only difference is, I threw away the
pier and going to try again from urbit -c myself now, without the gap this
Post by c***@gmail.com
I started a sub last night and pretty much immediately brought it down.
When I brought it up right now, it pulled an update from ~zod...and then
threw an %ap-slam-mismatch, printed out what looks like the entire Hoon
kernel, printed "gall: %dojo: call: %prep: type mismatch", and now it's
working fine.
While it's probably nothing, the "printed out what looks like the entire
[ %wttz
%cell %bean %null}]
[%bush p=$4 q=$4]
[%fern p=[i=$4 t=it($4)]]
[%herb p=$6]
[%reed p=$4 q=$4]
[%weed p=$6]
[p=$4 q=$4]
[%wtzp p=$6]
[%zpcm p=$6 q=$6]
[%zpcn %~]
[%zpfs p=$6]
[%zpgr p=$6]
[%zpsm p=$6 q=$6]
[%zpts p=$6]
[%zpzp %~]
[p=$6 q=$6]
[%tu p=it($16)]
[ %0
Except it has the added bonus of being longer than my terminal
scrollback, and hung urbit for a couple seconds before it printed...
Post by Philip Monk
We're breaching continuity again for a few reasons. Firstly, clay has
started to seriously misbehave, not only breaking our auto-update, but also
causing periodic crashes on some ships (with a period of only a few
seconds). I'm in the middle of a deep clean of clay, and I've fixed those
issues, so we're going to push those out with a breach.
Secondly, work needed an update that required a change to the talk
protocol. While it's possible to do this over-the-air, it's annoying and
not worth the effort right now. Also, over-the-air updates are broken, see
Thirdly, ~wictuc-folrex is pretty well sunk by an unrelated work bug.
This fix could easily pushed out over-the-air if that was working. I
probably could rescue ~wictuc-folrex, but it'd be a hassle.
At any rate, we're going to preserve the talk log, so we should be able
to pick up right where we left off.
We'll let you know when the breach is complete.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "urbit" group.
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You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "urbit" group.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to urbit-dev+***@googlegroups.com.
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2015-09-10 21:27:26 UTC
Ah, so it's not some freak %clay bug then! Good to know it happened to
other people, and that it's not a major issue. Entering the water now :)
Post by Anton Dyudin
There was an issue where a +dojo with a broken ++prep got pushed. The
"entire kernel" is mostly the ++twig type; this takes a while to print due
to a memorization-disabling bandaid over a memory leak.
Post by Kingdon Barrett
Is there an echo? This is exactly what happened to my sub, basically to
the letter. I started it up last night, didn't touch it, and closed the
lid this morning. Threw the machine in my bag and didn't have a chance to
try and join talk until just now. Only difference is, I threw away the
pier and going to try again from urbit -c myself now, without the gap this
Post by c***@gmail.com
I started a sub last night and pretty much immediately brought it down.
When I brought it up right now, it pulled an update from ~zod...and then
threw an %ap-slam-mismatch, printed out what looks like the entire Hoon
kernel, printed "gall: %dojo: call: %prep: type mismatch", and now it's
working fine.
While it's probably nothing, the "printed out what looks like the entire
[ %wttz
%cell %bean %null}]
[%bush p=$4 q=$4]
[%fern p=[i=$4 t=it($4)]]
[%herb p=$6]
[%reed p=$4 q=$4]
[%weed p=$6]
[p=$4 q=$4]
[%wtzp p=$6]
[%zpcm p=$6 q=$6]
[%zpcn %~]
[%zpfs p=$6]
[%zpgr p=$6]
[%zpsm p=$6 q=$6]
[%zpts p=$6]
[%zpzp %~]
[p=$6 q=$6]
[%tu p=it($16)]
[ %0
Except it has the added bonus of being longer than my terminal
scrollback, and hung urbit for a couple seconds before it printed...
Post by Philip Monk
We're breaching continuity again for a few reasons. Firstly, clay has
started to seriously misbehave, not only breaking our auto-update, but also
causing periodic crashes on some ships (with a period of only a few
seconds). I'm in the middle of a deep clean of clay, and I've fixed those
issues, so we're going to push those out with a breach.
Secondly, work needed an update that required a change to the talk
protocol. While it's possible to do this over-the-air, it's annoying and
not worth the effort right now. Also, over-the-air updates are broken, see
Thirdly, ~wictuc-folrex is pretty well sunk by an unrelated work bug.
This fix could easily pushed out over-the-air if that was working. I
probably could rescue ~wictuc-folrex, but it'd be a hassle.
At any rate, we're going to preserve the talk log, so we should be able
to pick up right where we left off.
We'll let you know when the breach is complete.
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