[urbit] Lost talk
Burton Samograd
2015-09-26 20:40:31 UTC

I seem to have lost talk in my planet. I can no longer ^x to the
prompt. In the task manger after I type *talk I see:

[already running %home/%talk]
~lonref-botrum:*dojo, -talk#

Somtime before I also saw:

[! gall: %hood: diff: no
/talk-report/drum/phat/~lonref-botrum/talk [%ap-lame %hood %diff]]

How would I restart the talk process?

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Philip Monk
2015-09-26 20:54:46 UTC
At the # prompt, there's three main commands. *app starts an app, +app
connects it to your terminal, and -app disconnects it from your terminal.
The '-talk' means that your talk process is started, but it's not connected
to your terminal anymore. Thus, +talk should get you back in business.
Post by Burton Samograd
I seem to have lost talk in my planet. I can no longer ^x to the
[already running %home/%talk]
~lonref-botrum:*dojo, -talk#
[! gall: %hood: diff: no
/talk-report/drum/phat/~lonref-botrum/talk [%ap-lame %hood %diff]]
How would I restart the talk process?
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