Urbit Update ~2017.12
2017-12-16 01:55:32 UTC

Whew, we’ve been busy. Time for another purely plain-text, to the point update:

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We’re holding an end of the year party at our new office next week: https://www.meetup.com/urbit-sf/events/245925902/ Come say hi! (If you don’t feel like using meetup.com, you can always RSVP via email.)

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We rebooted the network about a week ago and are testing some new infrastructure: https://twitter.com/urbit/status/938874867524308992
This reboot gets in about six months of core language and OS work (most of which is summarized in our last update: https://urbit.org/blog/2017.11-update/). The network is still stabilizing, but this is the groundwork for a brand new Urbit user experience for 2018.

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Galen was on Epicenter: https://epicenter.tv/episode/205/ and spoke at the IDEO CoLab Blueprint event:
Josh, one of our contributors, has been making Nock tutorials:
and hosting a weekly Urbit-related talk show:

We try to keep this list as low-volume as possible. If you have questions or want to connect, come chat with us on Talk or https://urbit.org/fora See you there.

The Urbit team

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