Did you delete the ~silmud-rampel directory completely before running
with the correct ticket? I would try that. I don't think you have a
planet at all here.
After doing `git pull && curl -o … && make clean && make distclean && make`
(although not all in one go) I got a working comet that's able to connect to
~binzod/urbit-meta, but my planet is still not right yet. Here's what it
$ bin/urbit silmud-rampel/
urbit: home is silmud-rampel
loom: mapped 2048MB
protected loom
live: loaded: MB/68.534.272
boot: installed 237 jets
arvo: time: ~2016.8.18..04.29.42..91ce
rest: checkpoint to event 2.000
rest: old 0v16.42if7, new 0va.5l7ei
loaded passcode from silmud-rampel/.urb/code.~novser-motnup
---------------- playback complete----------------
ames: on localhost, UDP 61670.
http: live (insecure, public) on 8082
http: live ("secure", public) on 8444
http: live (insecure, loopback) on 12322
ames: czar zod.urbit.org: ip .
This one might be a little weird, though — when I first tried to use the
$ bin/urbit -w silmud-rampel zugzug-zugzug-zugzug-zugzug
your ticket: ~zugzug-zugzug-zugzug-zugzug
urbit: home is zugzug-zugzug-zugzug-zugzug
loom: mapped 2048MB
boot: installed 216 jets
boot: loading ./urbit.pill
arvo: time: ~2016.8.17..18.25.28..f712
generating 2048-bit RSA pair...
cp ./urbit.pill zugzug-zugzug-zugzug-zugzug/.urb
saving passcode in zugzug-zugzug-zugzug-zugzug/.urb/code.~ropryp-dilnut
(for real security, write it down and delete the file...)
ames: czar zod.urbit.org: ip .
ames: on localhost, UDP 49878.
http: live (insecure, public) on 8081
http: live ("secure", public) on 8443
http: live (insecure, loopback) on 12321
Post by Galen Wolfe-Pauly[%mo-not-running %hood %poke]
; ~zod not responding still trying
<awaiting hood, this may take a few minutes>
I've since run bin/urbit -w silmud-rampel -t zugzug-zugzug-zugzug-zugzug,
$ bin/urbit silmud-rampel/
urbit: home is silmud-rampel
loom: mapped 2048MB
protected loom
live: loaded: MB/68.534.272
boot: installed 237 jets
arvo: time: ~2016.8.18..04.29.42..91ce
rest: checkpoint to event 2.000
rest: old 0v16.42if7, new 0va.5l7ei
loaded passcode from silmud-rampel/.urb/code.~novser-motnup
---------------- playback complete----------------
ames: on localhost, UDP 61670.
http: live (insecure, public) on 8082
http: live ("secure", public) on 8444
http: live (insecure, loopback) on 12322
ames: czar zod.urbit.org: ip .
Activity Monitor says this urbit process is using teeny amounts of CPU time
and occasionally sending packets — unlike my comet that I created just now
that connected to urbit-meta.
What should I do now?
Post by Galen Wolfe-PaulyNetwork is up, and people seem to be able to join.
Do you have a fresh pill and fresh build?
This is happening for me right now. Is the network still down?
Sorry, I'm on mobile.
I was planning on not restarting, though we might reset the womb state. I
suspect we won't do that either, though.
Ah, I assume it’s actually https://bootstrap.urbit.org/staging3.pill :)
- and not yet! Do you plan on changing the protocol version, restarting with
the same protocol version, or not restarting?
Post by Philip MonkThat's actually https://bootstrap.urbit.org/stahing3.pill. Also, did
we merge the staging branches into master yet?
If you want to help us with some last-minute testing, you can boot a
comet or fakezod if you use https://bootstrap.urbit.org/staging-3.pill
rather than latest. Let us know how it works!
Ack I saw that restart was delayed until Monday but I thought things
were up in the meantime. My bad.
Sorry, the network is off until Monday -- we're upgrading the servers
to the new crypto and no one is around to keep it on.
Post by Zach GotschI can see UDP packets going out but nothing coming back.
zod.urbit.org web server seems to be up.
If I tcpdump on my router, I don't see anything from ~zod, so I don't think
it is some sort of NAT issue.
Any debug tips?
-Zach (hopefully soon ~noclec-talren)
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