[urbit] Moons doc
Burton Samograd
2015-10-04 07:03:00 UTC

I wrote up what I know about creating moons in a doc:


Again, feedback, suggestions and additions appreciated.

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Galen Wolfe-Pauly
2015-10-05 20:29:34 UTC
This is great, and something (among many things) that we have overlooked in lowering the bar to entry into the system.

I have a few edits, but I think I’d like to add this to the doc tree. Would that be alright?

Post by Burton Samograd
Again, feedback, suggestions and additions appreciated.
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Galen Wolfe-Pauly
2015-10-05 20:51:24 UTC
Here’s a (slightly) edited version:

And source: http://talsur-todres.urbit.org/home/pub/doc/tools/moon.md

I have this pending in my test repo: https://github.com/galenwp/urbit/tree/test, so it’ll go out next time I send over a PR.

Glad to hear about any changes / edits!
Post by Galen Wolfe-Pauly
This is great, and something (among many things) that we have overlooked in lowering the bar to entry into the system.
I have a few edits, but I think I’d like to add this to the doc tree. Would that be alright?
Post by Burton Samograd
Again, feedback, suggestions and additions appreciated.
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