I'm afraid it'll take some time... I'll come back when I have something
interesting to share.
Post by Philip MonkThe validation process invalidates the ticket (otherwise you could
have two copies of the same planet), but only until the next
continuity breach. We breached a couple of weeks ago, so if it was
before that, it doesn't matter. It doesn't look to me like it's tried
to validate the ticket yet, but I'd try a plain comet just in case.
If urbit is hitting the rotating disk often that could slow things
down quite a bit, since we're heavy users of disk io. The huge amount
of time spent in system memory indicates something has gone dreadfully
wrong, but I don't know what.
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 1:24 PM, Piotr Mieszkowski
It is a hybrid, sshd.
<<ames>> doesn't blink, it only has this rotating dash.
Do you mean that validation process invalidates the ticket? That
would mean I've messed up - I've already done it some time ago.
I'll need to check if I still have my planet's directory.
Are you on an hdd or an ssd? Does the <<ames>> blink at all?
If you kill it now, you should be able to continue it by
running "urbit <directory>". You can also start another comet
by running "urbit -c <another-directory>". At any rate, it
doesn't look like it's gotten to the part of the process where
it validates your ticket (during the bootup process, we create
a comet, then use that to validate your ticket, which allows
you to create your planet), so your planet is probably still
available for use.
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 12:32 PM, Piotr Mieszkowski
It turns out I'm initializing so slowly.
(1) After more than 45 minutes of working (urbit -c
comet), egz.hope is still growing (now about 1,9M).
(2) Time: user=51s, system=46m.
(3) Some network activity does happen, I just didn't trace
it before in truss' output.
(4) I've updated sources recently and downloaded the pill
today just to make sure I'm working on the most recent one.
I guess I'll need to try again another day... Just one
question: with the comet still in statu nascendi, can I
continue the process issuing another "urbit $comet" next
time after INTerrupting it right now? Or will I need to
start from the beginning?
W dniu poniedziałek, 13 czerwca 2016 19:51:25 UTC+2
In general, that prompt (the <<ames>> part of it,
specifically) means that you're processing a network
packet, probably the last packet in the download. The
download probably succeeded, and it's trying to
initialize. Once the download completes, it usually
only takes a couple of minutes to initialize, so this
is unusual. What's your load look like? Are we
pegging the CPU? What about user vs system vs wait time?
Definitely check that your pill is update-to-date.
On Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Piotr Mieszkowski
I'm trying to connect with ~lagtyd-tanhus, with no
luck. I did follow the instructions mentioned
-t "$ticket"
urbit: home is lagtyd-tanhus
loom: mapped 2048MB
boot: installed 216 jets
boot: loading ./urbit.pill
arvo: time: ~2016.6.13..16.57.34..d9fc
generating 2048-bit RSA pair...
cp ./urbit.pill lagtyd-tanhus/.urb
saving passcode in
(for real security, write it down and delete the
ip .
ames: on localhost, UDP 30976.
http: live (insecure, public) on 8080
http: live ("secure", public) on 8443
http: live (insecure, loopback) on 12321
[%mo-not-running %hood %poke]
; ~zod is your neighbor
; ~zod is your neighbor
\«ames»ng hood, this may take a few minutes>
Nothing visible happened during last 35 minutes or
so. When inspected with truss, it only seems to be
periodically checking /proc/curproc/map, doing
some signal-related stuff and such. No network
communication I could find.
I'm using FreeBSD, if that changes anything.
Any hints for an Urbit novice?
Best regards,
Piotr M.
W dniu piątek, 10 czerwca 2016 00:28:36 UTC+2
Did you update your urbit installation after
On Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at 1:56:20 AM
Thank you, it seems that ~tallen-filsyr
works just fine. I will consider
~bitfeb-racteg a dead planet going
forward. Thanks again.
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 09:28:47 UTC-7,
This is odd, but I know of a few
people who were able to start with old
tickets recently. I have you down for
a few ships. Could you try with
On Jun 7, 2016, at 8:53 AM, David
Thanks. The dep-missed messages are
only about two seconds into boot -
have not pointed a browser at it yet.
After the sequence of dep-missed
messages and "; ~zod is your
neighbor", bootstrap sits at
"<awaiting hood, this may take a few
minutes>" - (which is not in the
above log because it goes away) - for
about two minutes. Then the CPU spins
to 100% while a "«ames»" (prompt?)
overwrites the bottom line for about
50 seconds, then drops to the dojo
shell prompt. No state change or
destroyer generation occurs after
waiting 5 minutes at the prompt.
I attempted it again( from a clean
urbit build ), and got even more
dep-missed messages, but the sequence
-w bitfeb-racteg -t <ticket redacted>
urbit: home is bitfeb-racteg
loom: mapped 2048MB
boot: installed 216 jets
boot: loading ./urbit.pill
arvo: time: ~2016.6.7..15.44.57..803d
generating 2048-bit RSA pair...
cp ./urbit.pill bitfeb-racteg/.urb
saving passcode in
(for real security, write it down and
delete the file...)
ames: czar zod.urbit.org
<http://zod.urbit.org>: ip
ames: on localhost, UDP 56444.
http: live (insecure, public) on 8080
http: live ("secure", public) on 8443
http: live (insecure, loopback) on 12321
[%mo-not-running %hood %poke]
; ~zod is your neighbor
; ~zod is your neighbor
activated sync from %base on
to %home
sync succeeded from %base on
to %home
[%mo-not-running %talk %peer]
[%mo-not-running %dojo %peer]
'initial merge succeeded'
activated app base/dojo
activated app base/talk
[linked to
visible activity
default home
--------------| cap default home
--------------| met
[linked to
; ~doznec is your neighbor
; ~doznec is your neighbor
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 08:39:42
That looks just fine, actually,
except that it doesn't go through
the destroyer creation. Which it
should do after that. Did you
wait? Or, dep-missed means you
have a confused browser pointing
at it. Try again without the
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 7, 2016, at 8:22 AM, David
I have a few planets (destroyers
back then) from two years ago.
After reading of the beta
launch, I decided to give them
another shot, but it seems that
the best I can do is a comet.
Do the old destroyers no longer
work, or is there something else
going on? Thanks in advance, log
bin/urbit -w bitfeb-racteg -t
<ticket goes here>
urbit: home is bitfeb-racteg
loom: mapped 2048MB
boot: installed 216 jets
boot: loading ./urbit.pill
generating 2048-bit RSA pair...
cp ./urbit.pill bitfeb-racteg/.urb
saving passcode in
(for real security, write it
down and delete the file...)
ames: czar zod.urbit.org
<http://zod.urbit.org/>: ip
ames: on localhost, UDP 52393.
http: live (insecure, public) on
http: live ("secure", public) on
http: live (insecure, loopback)
on 12321
[%mo-not-running %hood %poke]
; ~zod is your neighbor
; ~zod is your neighbor
activated sync from %base on
to %home
sync succeeded from %base on
to %home
[%mo-not-running %talk %peer]
[%mo-not-running %dojo %peer]
'initial merge succeeded'
activated app base/dojo
activated app base/talk
[linked to
--------------| new journal
%public: visible activity
--------------| new mailbox
%porch: default home
--------------| cap default home
--------------| met
[linked to
; ~doznec not responding still
; ~doznec is ok
; ~doznec is your neighbor
; ~doznec is your neighbor
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W dniu piątek, 10 czerwca 2016 00:28:36 UTC+2
Did you update your urbit installation after
On Wednesday, June 8, 2016 at 1:56:20 AM
Thank you, it seems that ~tallen-filsyr
works just fine. I will consider
~bitfeb-racteg a dead planet going
forward. Thanks again.
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 09:28:47 UTC-7,
This is odd, but I know of a few
people who were able to start with old
tickets recently. I have you down for
a few ships. Could you try with
On Jun 7, 2016, at 8:53 AM, David
Thanks. The dep-missed messages are
only about two seconds into boot -
have not pointed a browser at it yet.
After the sequence of dep-missed
messages and "; ~zod is your
neighbor", bootstrap sits at
"<awaiting hood, this may take a few
minutes>" - (which is not in the
above log because it goes away) - for
about two minutes. Then the CPU spins
to 100% while a "«ames»" (prompt?)
overwrites the bottom line for about
50 seconds, then drops to the dojo
shell prompt. No state change or
destroyer generation occurs after
waiting 5 minutes at the prompt.
I attempted it again( from a clean
urbit build ), and got even more
dep-missed messages, but the sequence
-w bitfeb-racteg -t <ticket redacted>
urbit: home is bitfeb-racteg
loom: mapped 2048MB
boot: installed 216 jets
boot: loading ./urbit.pill
arvo: time: ~2016.6.7..15.44.57..803d
generating 2048-bit RSA pair...
cp ./urbit.pill bitfeb-racteg/.urb
saving passcode in
(for real security, write it down and
delete the file...)
ames: czar zod.urbit.org
<http://zod.urbit.org>: ip
ames: on localhost, UDP 56444.
http: live (insecure, public) on 8080
http: live ("secure", public) on 8443
http: live (insecure, loopback) on 12321
[%mo-not-running %hood %poke]
; ~zod is your neighbor
; ~zod is your neighbor
activated sync from %base on
to %home
sync succeeded from %base on
to %home
[%mo-not-running %talk %peer]
[%mo-not-running %dojo %peer]
'initial merge succeeded'
activated app base/dojo
activated app base/talk
[linked to
visible activity
default home
--------------| cap default home
--------------| met
[linked to
; ~doznec is your neighbor
; ~doznec is your neighbor
On Tuesday, 7 June 2016 08:39:42
That looks just fine, actually,
except that it doesn't go through
the destroyer creation. Which it
should do after that. Did you
wait? Or, dep-missed means you
have a confused browser pointing
at it. Try again without the
Sent from my iPhone
On Jun 7, 2016, at 8:22 AM, David
I have a few planets (destroyers
back then) from two years ago.
After reading of the beta
launch, I decided to give them
another shot, but it seems that
the best I can do is a comet.
Do the old destroyers no longer
work, or is there something else
going on? Thanks in advance, log
bin/urbit -w bitfeb-racteg -t
<ticket goes here>
urbit: home is bitfeb-racteg
loom: mapped 2048MB
boot: installed 216 jets
boot: loading ./urbit.pill
generating 2048-bit RSA pair...
cp ./urbit.pill bitfeb-racteg/.urb
saving passcode in
(for real security, write it
down and delete the file...)
ames: czar zod.urbit.org
<http://zod.urbit.org/>: ip
ames: on localhost, UDP 52393.
http: live (insecure, public) on
http: live ("secure", public) on
http: live (insecure, loopback)
on 12321
[%mo-not-running %hood %poke]
; ~zod is your neighbor
; ~zod is your neighbor
activated sync from %base on
to %home
sync succeeded from %base on
to %home
[%mo-not-running %talk %peer]
[%mo-not-running %dojo %peer]
'initial merge succeeded'
activated app base/dojo
activated app base/talk
[linked to
--------------| new journal
%public: visible activity
--------------| new mailbox
%porch: default home
--------------| cap default home
--------------| met
[linked to
; ~doznec not responding still
; ~doznec is ok
; ~doznec is your neighbor
; ~doznec is your neighbor
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